
“Chocolate Hills”, il progetto di Paterson e Paul Conboy: tracklist

Nuova pubblicazione in arrivo per Orbscure Recordings, l’etichetta di Alex Paterson, con il nuovo album di Chocolate Hills, il progetto di Paterson e Paul Conboy. Tra atmosfere melodiche, i colori di questo paese delle meraviglie per cuffie ad alta fedeltà spaziano dal freddo languido all’esotica kitsch, dalla musica da biblioteca al pop dell’era spaziale, fino al folk di vecchia data, senza dimenticare basso e batterie. Il tutto condito con saccheggi casuali dall’infinita borsa di Paterson. Liberamente basato su un immaginario viaggio nautico verso il triangolo delle Bermuda e ritorno, le tracce di ‘Yarns From The Chocolate Triangle’ ondeggiano e fluttuano dolcemente su bassi spaziosi e galleggianti come lo scafo di una nave. L’approccio da cultore analogico di Paul Conboy è stato trasferito nella nuova joint venture con Paterson: entrambi scrivono e registrano su attrezzature assortite, tra cui un giradischi, synth e drum machine, sperimentano lunghe jam session dal vivo per poi abbellirle con un pizzico di logica.

Paul Conboy note

As well as releases as A.P.E. on Dorado and Far Out recordings, TV and film scores plus his ongoing membership in Metamono, Conboy recorded three albums as part of Bomb The Bass, with whom he also toured Australia jointly with The Orb. On a boat trip over to Bali, Paul made Paterson pancakes, and their friendship was sealed. Having stayed in contact, many years later the duo began an exploration of ideas with their 2019 debut ‘A Pail Of Air’ on Painted World records (who’ve also released records by Nik Turner from Hawkwind, Youth, Roger Eno and Jaz Coleman). So far the duo have performed a low key gig at Paterson’s unofficial lair The Book And Record Bar, plus a bigger stage at the Roundhouse, alongside Leftfield, GAS, Ulrich Schnauss and System 7. Clearly making a lasting impression on Alex, the duo’s name was first referenced on The Orb’s own ‘Chocolate Hills Of Bohol’ remix of their single ‘Assassin’ in 1992, which was the same year Alex got blown away when visiting the prehistoric geological formations and enchanting jungles of the Bohol province in the Philippines.

16 giugno
label: Orbscure Recordings – Cooking Vinyl
distribuzione: Egea Music – The Orchard


Leaving Plymouth – Saragossa Wells – Ace – Centre of the Triangle – Mermaids
The Barn – Compass I Fell In Love – Cracking Kraken – Home (The First of the Last)
Isle of Crickets

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